Sophie Anderson Coaching

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    Your Coach, Sophie

    Hello my friend!

    I am Sophie, but you can call me "Soph". I empower established professionals seeking personal growth, wellness and fulfilment beyond their professional achievements.

    They leverage personal development workshops and life coaching services to boost self-care, cultivate healthy habits and refine their mindset, which makes them feel truly alive.

    Ever feel like something crucial is missing from your life despite the external success?

    How would you like to discover that powerful place of authenticity and joy?

    Through personalised coaching and transformative workshops, you will rediscover yourself, upgrade your mindset, and thrive with genuine self-care methods, and perhaps newfound passions, endeavours and connections.

    With my support, you will effortlessly prioritise your health, establish solid boundaries in your professional life, and make the most of your time and wealth.

    With me in your corner, there's no limit to what you can achieve.

    More about me (if you are curious)!

    Success is the achievement of your desired lifestyle.

    Introducing Sophie Anderson

    Sophie, often called "Soph", is a knowledgeable and respected professional with over 25 years of experience in the Education and Training Industry.

    As an accredited Life Coach, Soph is dedicated to leading the way in combining life coaching with social impact, creating a community where individuals and businesses make positive changes to improve our global mental wealth. As such, Sophie Anderson Coaching® is a Social Enterprise designed to bridge the gap between personal growth, professional purpose, and social impact. Soph is also the visionary behind "Cairns Wellness Solutions," where she supports locals on their wellness journey.

    When you partner up with her, you can expect a dynamic blend of knowledge, quirk, insights and professional support tailored to drive meaningful change in your life and your organisation. Her flexible, bespoke programs will equip your entire team with the tools and mindset necessary to thrive in today's challenging workplace landscape. Soph aims to become Cairns businesses' trustworthy resource committed to cultivating resilient, happy teams and to fostering wellness for positive impact and improved results.

    Because you won’t have healthy results without a healthy workforce.

    In essence, Soph's programs empower workplaces to achieve milestones that positively impact their results, their workforce's wellbeing, and their community.

    Contact Soph, your go-to expert for guidance on holistic wellness, mindful growth and positive transformations!

    "I don't work around limitations - I create possibilities"


    My vision is to lead the way in combining life coaching with social impact, creating a community where individuals and businesses make positive changes for a brighter future.


    Health: I prioritise my mental and physical health in all situations by making decisions that positively impact my overall wellbeing. When working with clients, I always provide a holistic approach that benefits all dimensions of their health including emotional, spiritual, and social.

    Authenticity: I am true to myself and embrace my own individuality through everyday actions even if it clashes with what "most people do". I encourage my clients to explore their values and align their actions with them, and I help them live a life that enables them to be true to themselves.

    Integrity: I lead by example, managing my own challenges and striving to create value in all that I do. I work with a Coach, I model healthy habits and consistency, and I create value in my own life to feel alive and fulfilled.

    Growth: I am a lifelong learner. I take courses and read books, attending workshops, and I welcome feedback. I am optimistic and curious, and I am willing to make changes that support my wellbeing even when it is uncomfortable at first. I am ambitious and do not let fear stop me from progressing.

    Respect: I treat everyone with respect, and I demonstrate this by actively listening to people's perspective and help them feel heard and understood. I invite my clients to practice self-compassion and to reframe their limiting beliefs. I know that we are all born worthy and nothing can alter this.


    At the core of my philosophy is the belief that growth and wellbeing is a lifelong journey, with no right or wrong path, and that understanding and prioritising our desired lifestyle and our personal values is central to our wellbeing. I firmly believe that true growth happens when we take full ownership of our lives, refusing to wait for circumstances to change and instead proactively shaping our journey to achieve fulfillment. By finding fulfilment in our daily lives, we become equipped to improve other areas of our life and the lives of those around us. Through small, incremental changes to our focus, mindset, and habits, we improve our mental health and wellbeing, and increase our productivity and motivation to take action and contribute to the world.

    I believe that social change is made possible when individuals like yourself start making changes to their own lives.

    It is my passion to share this philosophy with you, and to empower you to take control of your life and make a positive impact on the world.

    Coaching Method: Clarity | Empowerment | Results


    What do you actually want? What do you value? Who do you want to become? What are your strengths? Who's in your corner? What's in your way? What is success to you? When are you at your best?


    What can you change about your situation? About your perception? How can you stop shooting yourself in the foot?What BS are you telling yourself? What beliefs will you let go of?


    Create a ripple effect of wellness on yourself and the lives of people you encounter. Become a happier human who contributes to the greater good. Be unapologetically yourself and keep on kicking goals.

    What is Life Coaching?

    Life Coaching is a transformative process that helps you unlock your potential and maximise your performance.

    Working with a qualified Life Coach helps you achieve specific goals, change habits, gain confidence, find purpose, or simply understand yourself better and make the most out of life.

    A Coach guides you toward your own solutions and holds you accountable for taking action, helping you bridge the gap between your current situation and the future you want to see.

    Through a structured process, your Coach inspires you to identify what matters to you and why, establish exciting goals, and find the best way to get results. Their role is to facilitate your reflection around a topic, and acquire the skills and mindset required to achieve your ultimate goals and desires.

    Coaching is a safe place to gain clarity on who you are and what you want in your life, empowering you to take the necessary steps to achieve your goals and dreams. Qualified Life Coaches are non-judgmental, non-critical, and their services are confidential. It allows you to be 100% honest, open-minded, and ready to raise your awareness level to allow breakthroughs and shifts to happen.

    A legitimate Coach will have achieved formal training with a recognised institution and be accredited by a reputable organisation to ensure maximum competence and integrity.

    Coaching can be a series of sessions where you work on the stepping stones leading to a long-term goal, or it could be individual sessions that achieve particular outcomes. Regardless of the approach, you will leave each session with an empowering action plan that you have chosen, a task you have given yourself to progress in the direction of your objectives.

    Is a Life Coach worth the investment?

    Absolutely. According to a recent survey by the International Coaching Federation (ICF), individuals who work with a Life Coach report a median return on investment of 3.44 times their initial investment, with 86% of clients reporting that they have recouped their investment.

    99% of individuals and companies who hire a Coach are “satisfied or very satisfied” and 96% say they would repeat the process.


    Most clients confirm that the benefits of coaching sessions continue to positively impact one's life indefinitely, providing ongoing value and growth. Working with a Life Coach helps you focus on your goals and objectives, and attract the resources and support you need to achieve success.

    A Coach also serves as an accountability partner, providing motivation and support to help you stay on track and achieve your goals. You will gain confidence in your abilities and decision-making skills, leading to greater success and satisfaction in all areas of your life.

    Sounds too good to be true? Evidence also shown that coaching can also have a significant impact on brain function and growth. Coaching interactions and the learnings derived from them help individuals develop new neural pathways and strengthen existing ones, leading to improved cognitive function, decision-making, and problem-solving abilities.

    It's undeniable, the benefits of working with a Life Coach are numerous. From increased confidence and motivation to improved brain function and greater success in all areas of life, a qualified Life Coach will become your best ally.

    How can a Life Coach solve my problems if I've been trying for years without success?

    That is a question I often get! One of the most powerful attributes of coaching is the new perspectives and insights that coaching brings to our clients. By seeing your stories from a non-biased, non-critical and non-judgemental angle, you will discover your next best step with much more ease and efficiency!

    Einstein once said “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

    Let a qualified Life Coach prove this to you.

    Don't take my word for it!..

    Grab a cuppa and head over to my wonderful clients' Google reviews 💌

    "I was able to view my situation from a completely new angle"

    Thanks Soph! You opened up valuable new perspectives on my current situation. It is amazing, but just in a time of one hour I was able to view my situation from a completely new angle.

    Jennifer - Australia

    🌿Human Resources

    "I started to build more trust in life again, release fears, slowly more opportunities have started to show up in my life"

    Sophie`s openness and empathy during our sessions, also her right questions at the right place, the extra materials she shared with me, helped me a lot to see my life from outside and revise my thoughts and activities. With her help I could go through many of my obstacles, I started to build more trust in life again, release fears, slowly more opportunities have started to show up in my life. I can`t be more grateful for Sophie :)

    Reka - Germany

    🌿Creative Development Freelancer

    "I would definitely recommend her as a Life Coach"

    Sophie is a sweet, kind soul with a deep love for her clients. She is very observant and gently guides her clients towards a good outcome. I would definitely recommend her as a Life Coach.

    Blyde - Australia

    🌿Professional Coaching Solutions

    ©Sophie Anderson Coaching 2024

    Cairns Residents: Join our thriving Community!

    Cairns Wellness Solutions

    I respectfully acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the land on which I coach, collaborate and grow, the Gimuy Walubara Yidinji and Yirrganydji Peoples. I acknowledge and pay respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the world’s oldest living culture and embrace their continued connection to land, waters and community. I pay my deepest respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders past, present and emerging.

    I also recognise, value and celebrate diversity and act in the spirit of inclusion.